5 Simple Ways To Prolong The Life Of Your Water Softener

A water softener is essential for the house. Due to domestic water consumption, water softener maintenance is crucial to maintaining hardness-free water. Water softeners are straightforward and should last for years with proper maintenance. For the best results, have a professional service your water softening system annually. Regular maintenance may prolong its lifespan and reveal underlying flaws that may need future repairs.

Assess Salt Levels

For water softeners, keeping the proper salt level is crucial. Backwashing with salt recharges water softener beads with sodium. The beads bathe in a sodium-rich solution in the softener brine tank to regenerate. Note that you should not overcomplicate things. Check the water softener brine tank salt level monthly. If it falls below ¼, replenish it. If the level is over ⅔, do   not refill, as it may cause bridging.

Use Correct Salt

Be careful when buying salt for your residential full house water softener—the appropriate salt might affect its lifetime and performance. Water softeners use three major salts:

  • Rock salt
  • Solar salt
  • Evaporated salt

Evaporated salt is the cleanest of these three alternatives.

Clean The Injector Or Venturi Valve

Suction from the nozzle and venturi valve draws brine solution into the resin tank during regeneration. The venturi valve might get clogged with silt from regular brine contact, causing the system to fail. After water maintenance, sediments in your water supply may clog the injector. During water softener maintenance, check the venturi valve for buildup or obstructions. To clean the valve, unscrew the lid, remove the internal pieces, and wash them with soap and water.

Look For Salt Bridges

Water softener brine tanks frequently produce a hard crust called a salt bridge. Salt deposits along tank walls as it collects. It hardens into a crust that prevents the salt from dissolving into the water to generate brine. It reduces softener regeneration cycle efficiency, which lowers system efficiency. Salt bridges are created by overfilling the brine tank, humid weather, or putting the improper salt in the water softener.

Pour water into the tank over salt to break bridges. Loosening it will simplify your life. Try pushing a long stick down from there. After removing the bridge, manually regenerate. Avoid salt bridges by using high-quality water softener salt and filling it no more than 2/3 full. Let the water softener drain a lot of salt before adding more.

Recognize Issues Early

Perhaps the most important maintenance skill for a water softener is the ability to identify issues before they become serious. In case of a problem, routinely checking the brine tank is a fantastic method to rule out one potential reason. Moreover, a water softener with the correct settings can only produce an adequate and consistent supply of softened water.

It could be necessary to reconfigure the settings for a power loss. By being proactive, you can ensure your water softener won’t break down or need costly repairs. Good water softeners may endure for years with minimal maintenance if they are built correctly. Nonetheless, regular maintenance and cleaning will extend the life of your softener.

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